Doah Lee
Lady Hotcake Expired, 2016
Destiny Palmer
Gained and Gathered
Transplant brings together the work by three artists discussing identity and the re-examination of it dependent on location, often after moving to a new home. Questioning preconceptions of cultural norms, learned behaviors, exterior appearances, assumptions and stereotypes through symbolic materials, iconography, and fabric, the work discusses cultural shifts, relocation, ancestry, race, and community.
Doah Lee
Destiny Palmer
Lorna Williams
Curated by Little Berlin members: Terrill Warrenburg and Jeremy Sims
Little Berlin, an artist-run collective in Philadelphia, PA is excited to present a cross-country gallery exchange with The Front in New Orleans, LA. Founded within a year of each other, both Little Berlin and The Front share commitments to experimental, DIY shows, performances and events.
Throughout the month of June 2018, Little Berlin will be hosting a comprehensive, six-part exhibition at The Front. Little Berlin’s fourteen current members divided the rooms of the gallery space into sections: curating six separate, smaller exhibitions under the larger collective theme and premise of the switch. Calling into question ideas of exchange- across places, ideas and cultures and through different mediums: humor, symbolism, words and sound- each grouping of artwork encompasses different aspects of the paradigm shift. The exhibition as a whole connects artists from across the country in eclectic vignettes while simultaneously providing a glimpse into Little Berlin’s quirky yet carefully considered approach to curation and dedication to innovative, collaborative programming.
Lorna Williams
Root-Question, 2011