My painting practice is rooted in a dialogue between intention and chance, exploring the interplay of organic forms, emotional resonance, and time. Each painting evolves through layers—sometimes revisited years later—imbued with the history of my shifting perspective and ongoing experimentation. This layering process becomes a conversation, where the past and present meet on the canvas.
I embrace unpredictability as I pour pigment, sprinkle loose powders, and apply paint in unconventional ways. Spray paint dances across surfaces, creating moments of spontaneity, while gravity and the natural flow of materials play their part, lending an element of chance. The flat canvas becomes a stage for alchemical transformations, as colors merge, textures emerge, and forms materialize.
Inspired by natural phenomena such as fluid dynamics, geological layers, and cellular structures, my works echo the impermanence and interconnectedness of life. These abstract compositions invite viewers to engage deeply, uncovering new details with each encounter.
Through this practice, I aim to capture the beauty of transformation and imperfection—where accidents become opportunities, and the canvas serves as both a record and a mirror of life’s ever-shifting landscape.